Monday, September 26, 2011

I remember when...

So we haven't been here in a while. Life has been crazy (I know a big surprise with twins coming huh?!). The thing that is the hardest to believe is that this weekend October is officially here...super exciting...and not just because it's my birthday weeked...but because October is baby month. I keep having moments of sporadic panic...the house isn't clean enough for new babies, we don't have mattresses, I've never had babies before so how do you do it, when will I get all of my notes for my sub together, how in the world will I keep up with my master's know the drill. But I won't bog you down with my panic and stress (that strangely, or maybe not so strangely since it is way out of character for him, Matt doesn't seem to feel!). Instead I will enlighten you, hopefully even make you laugh a little, with a short list of not so long ago memories...

I Remember When:
·         I didn’t have to wear flip flops to school because my feet fit in actual shoes all day, not just in the morning.
·         I could use any stall in the restroom, not just the handicap stall because my belly is too big to close the others’ doors.
·         People didn’t just come up to me and rub my belly like they were making a wish on a magic lamp.
·         I didn’t have to wear a fake, bronzing, wedding ring so people didn’t think I was just some knocked up girl.
·         It wasn’t a requirement to eat between every bell at school to keep from starving.
·         I could go longer than an hour at a time without having to pee.
·         Heartburn was just something my mom complained about.
·         I could read more than a paragraph out loud at a time without getting winded.
·         I didn’t waddle when I walked.
·         Our bed was a place that I spooned with Matt, not had thoughts about punching him in the face because he is sleeping peacefully.

And that's just the beginning :) But really, I haven't hated pregnancy though I must admit it gets more exhausting by the day. I do love the people who tell me that I look great for carrying twins, and I take that as a compliment...even though that could just be a backwards way of saying "man she is huge...but I guess since it's twins it's not that bad!" We have a doctor's appointment on Friday at which I am fully expecting to hear that I have two 5 pound babies...they are growing so fast!! It won't be long until we are updating from the other stay tuned! :)