Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The best part of waking up, is...

There is no better feeling than waking up at 6:00 AM and knowing that you didn't have to get out of bed one time because of a crying/hungry/cranky baby. We have finally and officially reached a stage of "sleeping through the night". It's pretty incredible. We have gone a week or so where they would take turns  sleeping through the night, but as of this week (so far) they are sleeping for 8-9 hours each night without interruption. BRILLIANT!
I've noticed that as they have grown their clothes are changing. Their outfits always say something funny and clever on them, usually telling all the world how "cute" their daddy is or how "mommy rocks!". But I've become a little disturbed by one thing that is related to baby fashion. Pockets. Why do baby clothes have pockets? My boys were wearing cargo pants with huge pockets on the side of them. What is the point of that?! I think to get the total use out of these pockets I am going to start putting my personal items in there such as chapstick or loose change or a hammer. 
Babies are always getting in the way of stuff. They always want to be held. I can't play my guitar and hold them at the same time. I mean I guess I could but that would be really uncomfortable for me. Well, probably for them too. But why won't they just lay on the floor and let the dog lick them for a few hours, or listen to my stereo or bake a cake. They just don't do those things and because of it, my time is their time. But I guess I shouldn't complain because the time that I do get with them is the best part of my day. 

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