Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lose Your Life

There is something really sacred about sharing your story with people. I think it's great how God speaks to me through the stories from people's lives. I especially love it when those moments come unexpectedly.
This morning I was talking with a friend that I only get to see two or three times a year. I was telling her about the excitement that has consumed me and Sam about our babies on the way. I often tell stories about my life to people. Most of them are about other people in my life. This week I've been talking an awful lot about my wife and most of which are actually true and accurate stuff. I did say most.
I was telling my friend about how Sam loves organization. She really enjoys it for some reason. Give her a pink labeling machine, some markers and a messy room and prepare to be amazed. She is absolutely gifted at it. 
Since I am out of town, she chooses to make the best of her time to organize anything she can. I called three different times yesterday and each time she was up to something new: organizing. She cleaned out our cupboards and refrigerator, she went to school to clean up her room and get it organized and she cleaned our closet and rearranged our clothes and accessories. She is so crazy! But of course I love it. I love everything about her
So as I'm telling my friend this story and we're laughing she looks at me and says "Wow, I mean I know that I don't know your wife, but from what you say about her she seems to know herself really well". I thought about it for a second and told her that she was right. Sam is a very confident person and does know herself well. 
My friend went on to talk about how she is confident too. But only in the areas she is gifted. She talked about how in her own strength she can do things pretty well. She's an actor who is learning that the more that she gives her life to Christ the more she is realizing that she is becoming someone new. But it's really easy to hold onto who instead of embracing who she is becoming. Jesus told his disciples that if you want to find your life that you must first lose it.
When my friend said those words, I was instantly convicted. Not because I think I'm a terrible person or a bad Christian or whatever. But I just don't ever want to feel that I've arrived. I am learning again and again that following Jesus is a constant adventure of losing your life. Being crucified with Christ. Our weakness becoming strength. It's a constant battle of dying and truly living. 

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